冰心的《寄小读者》于 1923年 7月在其多次建议而开设的北京《晨报》副刊“儿童世界”专栏上连载,即受到了广大小读者的欢迎,影响了一代又一代儿童的审美情趣。本文从文化发展史的角度,论述了这部在中国现代儿童文学史上具有划时意义的优秀儿童散文集在“五四”新文化运动背景下发表的特殊意义和份量,透析了这部儿童散文集尊重儿童个性,向儿童进行“感情教育、美的教育”的深刻内涵。
Bing Xin’s “Send a Little Reader” was serialized in his column entitled “Children’s World” in his “Morning Post” supplemented by many suggestions in July 1923, that is, it has been welcomed by the vast majority of young readers and has affected the aesthetic standards of generations of children Fun. This essay discusses the special significance and quantity of this collection of excellent children’s essays, which are of epoch-making significance in the history of modern Chinese children’s literature, in the context of the May Fourth New Culture Movement from the perspective of the history of cultural development. Set respect for children’s personality, to children with “emotional education, education of the United States,” the profound meaning.