摘 要:针对我国木质类农林生物质资源特点和规模化利用中对物料收获、加工处理和输料的共性问题,研究不同农林生物质的物料特性,重点突破木质类农林生物质加工中的机械手取料控制、机械手自由转向、物料强制喂入、高效耐磨切碎,高效平茬收割―切碎―抛送一体化,多种原料的规模化输送过程中的防阻防缠绕的稳定、持续、均匀供料新技术;开发出适应于我国国情的木质类农林生物质原料特性和工业化需求的规模化处理与输料新装备;并在生物质原料年消耗为20万吨级以上的规模化应用示范项目中推广,促进我国农业资源的高效利用与可持续开发。(1)移动式高效切碎装备技术研究:针对目前木质秸秆与林业废弃物集中切碎过程中工作环境恶劣、效率低、安全性差、强度大等实际状况,突破机械手取料控制、喂料机械手自由转向、液压自动强制喂入、高效耐磨切碎等关键技术问题,开发出适合于木质秸秆分段收获的高效切碎设备。(2)能源植物联合收获装备技术研究:研究木质能源植物高效平茬收割技术、有序导入和切削技术、成品碎料抛送技术;开发高效平茬割灌、切碎、抛送一体化的联合作业机。集成沙柳收割割台高速锯盘无损切割、强制抓取输送、低功耗高效切碎、自走式作业底盘,一次作业实现灌木类能源植物的无损收割、强制喂入切碎、集装、液压自动翻转卸料联合作业,解决了沙柳、柠条的收获难题。(3)木质类生物质原料规模化输料技术研究:木质类生物质规模化输料技术是生物质综合利用输送过程中的关键共性技术,项目重点研究工业化应用条件下的物料输送中的防缠绕、防堵塞以及均匀供料技术。
关键词:生物质 移动式高效切碎机 能源植物联合收获机 规模化输料设备
Abstract:In order to solve the common problems of feedstock harvest, processing and transmission existing in utilizing woody agricultural and forestry biomass in large scale, the research focuses on many new technologies of biomass processing, including: manipulator feedstock-fetching control, manipulator free swerving, forcible feeding, efficient abrasion-resistant shredding, efficient stump-cutting-parabolic sending technology, intertwisting and blocking prevention technology and stable, sustainable and even feeding technology in multiple feedstock transmission. The project has developed new equipments for processing and transmitting feedstock in large scale and can meet the requirements of feedstock characteristics and industrial utilization. These equipments has been applied in biomass demonstration projects that can consume biomass up to 200,000 tons per year, and has promoted high efficiency utilization and sustainable development of agricultural resources.(1)research on high-efficiency mobile shredding equipments technology: during shredding woody biomass, workers always face some difficulties, such as bad working environment, low-efficiency, unsafe, strong intensity, the project has conquered these problems and developed high-efficiency shredding equipment for harvesting woody biomass,(2)research on energy plant combine harvester equipments technology: has conquered efficient stumping and harvesting technology, smooth feeding, chopping and parabolic sending technology, developed combine harvester; integrated efficient saw-disc cutting, forcible grabbing and transmitting, low power consumption shredding and self-driven operating chassis technologies, and has solved the difficulty of salix and KorshinskPeashrub harvest;(3)research on woody biomass feedstock transmission technology: has emphasized the technology of intertwisting and blocking prevention and even distribution and feeding.
Key Words:Biomass;High-efficiency Mobile Shredder;Energy Plant Combine Harvester;Transmission Equipments
关键词:生物质 移动式高效切碎机 能源植物联合收获机 规模化输料设备
Abstract:In order to solve the common problems of feedstock harvest, processing and transmission existing in utilizing woody agricultural and forestry biomass in large scale, the research focuses on many new technologies of biomass processing, including: manipulator feedstock-fetching control, manipulator free swerving, forcible feeding, efficient abrasion-resistant shredding, efficient stump-cutting-parabolic sending technology, intertwisting and blocking prevention technology and stable, sustainable and even feeding technology in multiple feedstock transmission. The project has developed new equipments for processing and transmitting feedstock in large scale and can meet the requirements of feedstock characteristics and industrial utilization. These equipments has been applied in biomass demonstration projects that can consume biomass up to 200,000 tons per year, and has promoted high efficiency utilization and sustainable development of agricultural resources.(1)research on high-efficiency mobile shredding equipments technology: during shredding woody biomass, workers always face some difficulties, such as bad working environment, low-efficiency, unsafe, strong intensity, the project has conquered these problems and developed high-efficiency shredding equipment for harvesting woody biomass,(2)research on energy plant combine harvester equipments technology: has conquered efficient stumping and harvesting technology, smooth feeding, chopping and parabolic sending technology, developed combine harvester; integrated efficient saw-disc cutting, forcible grabbing and transmitting, low power consumption shredding and self-driven operating chassis technologies, and has solved the difficulty of salix and KorshinskPeashrub harvest;(3)research on woody biomass feedstock transmission technology: has emphasized the technology of intertwisting and blocking prevention and even distribution and feeding.
Key Words:Biomass;High-efficiency Mobile Shredder;Energy Plant Combine Harvester;Transmission Equipments