军官心理困扰是社会转型和军队建设改革时期 ,传统心理平衡构架与环境变化因素相冲突的产物 ,呈现出明显的方向性和群体性 ,对军官的身心健康 ,乃至部队建设都有一定程度的负面影响。必须从心理教育、心理咨询、心理保健三个方面入手 ,把消除、减少、控制军官的心理困扰作为新时期思想政治工作的重要内容。
The psychological distress of officers is the product of the conflict between the traditional psychosocial balance framework and environmental change during the period of social transformation and army building and reform. It shows a clear direction and group nature and has a certain degree of negative impact on the physical and mental health of officers and even the army building influences. We must start from the three aspects of psychological education, psychological counseling and mental health care and regard the psychological distress of eliminating, reducing or controlling the military officers as an important part of the ideological and political work in the new period.