歌筹(Ca trù)是越南最古老的传统音乐之一,主要流传于越南北部和中部地区。它的核心是有乐器伴奏的唱诗表演,在不同场合也包含朗诵、器乐、舞蹈、仪式等综合内容。歌筹表演主要由三人组成:一人主唱,兼奏梆子(Phách),主唱者多为女性,称为“陶娘(Adào)”;一人演奏带琴(Dàn Dáy),演奏者多为男性,称为“管甲(Quan giáp)”;一人奏朝鼓(Trong chau),点评唱与奏,称为“观员(quan viên)”。演出时,三人坐于竹席之上,陶娘在中间,管甲、观员分坐其左右
Ca trù is one of the oldest traditional music in Vietnam and is mainly spread in northern and central Vietnam. At the heart of it is a choral performance with instrumental accompaniment, as well as readings, instrumental music, dances, rituals and the like on different occasions. The singer-songwriter is mainly composed of three members: one singer and Phách, the lead singer mostly female, called “Adào”; one plays Dàn Dáy, Male, called “Quan giáp.” One of them played Trong chau, sing and play, called “quan viên.” Performance, the three sitting on bamboo mat above, Tao Niang in the middle, Guanjia, the audience sit around it