
来源 :河北农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qhjiso
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近年来黄瓜嫁接在棚(室)内发展面积逐年上升,但由于很多农民没有从根本上理解嫁接给黄瓜生长发育带来的变化,仍沿用传统的管理方法进行管理,因而不仅没能充分发挥嫁接后的优势,还直接影响了黄瓜产量和品质,根据笔者调查,主要存在以下几个问题:一、忽视了为南瓜强壮根系创造适 In recent years, the area of ​​development of grafted cucumbers in the greenhouse has been increasing year by year. However, many peasants have not followed the traditional management methods because they did not understand fundamentally the changes brought about by the grafting to the growth and development of cucumbers. After the advantages, but also a direct impact on the yield and quality of cucumber, according to the author’s survey, the main problems are as follows: First, ignore the pumpkin roots to create strong fitness
1开发园基本情况试验地处费县费城镇邢家村西山坡,青石山瘠薄地,褐土,土层深25~35cm,pH值7.8,面积6.67hm2(公顷),品种为大青皮甜和大红石榴。植前用穴状和鱼鳞坑方式整地,穴径80~100cm,深60~80cm;鱼鳞坑长80~100cm... A basic situa