春节之际,无论大江南北,长城内外,到处都笼罩在一片节日的喜庆氛围之中,大街小巷,村舍院落,你都可以闻到空气中飘逸着的浓浓的酒味菜香,都可以听到老人和孩子们的欢声笑语。在这亲人团圆、友朋相聚的日子里,谁不想度过一个吉祥、如意、愉快、安全的节日呢? 然而,你可知道,就在这祥和的天际下,却游荡着一个魔影,一直觊觎着你的健康。 由于有些人对节日保健的疏忽,也确
On the occasion of the Spring Festival, both in the north and the south of the Yangtze River, inside and outside the Great Wall, it is enveloped in a festive atmosphere of festivals, streets, village courtyards, and you can all smell the rich, Hear the laughter of the elderly and children. In this day of reunion with friends and relatives, who do not want to spend a auspicious, happy, safe holiday? However, you know, just in this peaceful sky, but wandering a magic shadow, has been觊 觎 your health. Indeed, due to the negligence of some people on holiday care