
来源 :当代贵州 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:camel_xz
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政务微博需要贴近群众生活,融入民意平等对话,突出其即时性、服务性和实用性,勤于互动,解决现实问题。贵州政务微博近两年迅速发展,一些党政部门和官员个人微博,服务水平在逐渐提高,民生关怀也逐渐体现。今年春节期间,媒体就用“一个不放假的政府”来描述贵州一部分政务微博的辛勤工作。省委书记赵克志曾号召党政干部开微博。去年全国“两会”期间,他在接受媒体采访时说,“做群众工 Government micro-blogging needs to be close to the mass life, integrate into the dialogue of public opinion on an equal footing, highlight its immediateness, serviceability and practicality, diligently interact and solve practical problems. Guizhou government microblogging rapid development in recent years, some party and government departments and officials personal microblogging, service levels are gradually improving, people’s livelihood care gradually reflected. During the Spring Festival this year, the media used ”a government not to leave“ to describe the hard work of some of Guizhou’s government micro-blogs. Provincial Party Secretary Zhao Kezhi called party and government cadres to open microblogging. During last year’s national ”two sessions“, he said in an interview with the media: ”