在中国的传统文化中,存在着一些不利于创新的负面因素。今天我们要加强技术创新,就必须革除这些负面因素的影响。 一、保守思想的长期积淀 《周易》教导人们“乐天知命”,《论语》认为“死生有命,富贵在天”,董仲舒提出“天不变,道亦不变”,这些观点几乎成为中国传统文化中保守思想的总纲。在处世方面,“知足长乐”、“安分守己”、“明哲保身”、“不为人先”等保守退避思想,深刻地影响着一代又一代炎黄子孙。久而久之,人们养成了怕出“风头”、拒绝变革的不正常心理。“木秀于林,风必摧之;堆出于岸,流必湍之;行高于众,人必谤之。”自已不思进取,
In China’s traditional culture, there are some negative factors that are not conducive to innovation. Today we want to strengthen technological innovation, we must get rid of these negative factors. First, the long-term accumulation of conservative thinking “Book of Changes” to teach people “optimistic life”, “Analects of Confucius” that “life is dead, wealth in the sky,” Dong Zhongshu “changeless, Tao unchanged” These views almost become traditional Chinese culture The general outline of the conservative ideas. In the world, the conservative and back-off ideas of “satisfying Changle”, “keeping one’s share of oneself and keeping one’s job oneself and oneself”, “protecting oneself and protecting oneself” and “not being the first person” have a profound impact on generations of Chinese descendents. Over time, people develop the abnormal psychology of fear of “limelight” and refusal to change. “Wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy; piled up in the shore, the flow will be turbulent; line above the public, people must blame.” Self not enterprising,