Development of fragility curves by incorporating new spectral shape indicators and a weighted damage

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h123456p
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In this study, strong ground motion record(SGMR) selection based on Eta(η) as a spectral shape indicator has been investigated as applied to steel braced frame structures. A probabilistic seismic hazard disaggregation analysis for the definition of the target Epsilon(ε) and the target Eta(η) values at different hazard levels is presented, taking into account appropriately selected SGMR’s. Fragility curves are developed for different limit states corresponding to three representative models of typical steel braced frames having significant irregularities in plan, by means of a weighted damage index. The results show that spectral shape indicators have an important effect on the predicted median structural capacities, and also that the parameter η is a more robust predictor of damage than searching for records with appropriate ε values. In this study, a strong ground motion record (SGMR) selection based on Eta (η) as a spectral shape indicator has been investigated as applied to steel braced frame structures. A probabilistic seismic hazard disaggregation analysis for the definition of the target Epsilon (ε) and the target Eta (η) values ​​at different hazard levels are presented, taking into account appropriately selected SGMR’s. Fragility curves are developed for different limit states corresponding to three representative models of typical steel braced frames with significant irregularities in plan, by means of a weighted damage index. The results show that spectral shape indicators have an important effect on the predicted median structural capacities, and also that the parameter η is a more robust predictor of damage than searching for records with appropriate ε values.
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