1病历摘要女,17岁。因腹部隆起半月余入院。体格检查:腹部触及大小约30 cm×20 cm巨大包块,界限欠清,活动差,质中,压痛(-)。超声所见:子宫未见明显异常,腹盆腔内巨大囊实性包块,上至剑突下,下至耻骨联合,内见多个大小不等的无回声区及多条光带分隔呈多房样改变,彩色多普勒显示?
1 medical record summary female, 17 years old. Abdomen uplift due to more than half a month admitted. Physical examination: the abdomen touches a huge mass of about 30 cm × 20 cm, the boundaries of less clear, poor activity, quality, tenderness (-). Ultrasound findings: no obvious abnormalities in the uterus, abdominoplasty huge cystic mass, up to the xiphoid, down to the pubic symphysis, see a number of different sizes of echo-free zone and the number of bands were separated House-like changes, color Doppler display?