近年来,人民生活水平普遍提高,对休闲娱乐等精神文化的需求逐步增强,随之也催生了休闲文化产业,休闲旅游、休闲城市、休闲农业、公共休闲空间等休闲文化渐入寻常百姓生活,成为国民精神文化生活的重要组成部分。休闲文化产业的出现是社会经济发展使然,是社会向更和谐文明迈出的重要标志。为全面规范休闲文化服务,确保休闲服务质量,推动新兴休闲文化产业蓬勃发展,我国出台了GB/T 31171-2014《城市公共休闲空间分类与要求》、GB/T31172-2014《城乡休闲服务一体化导则》
In recent years, people’s living standard has been generally raised, and the demand for spiritual and cultural entertainment and entertainment has been gradually enhanced. As a result, leisure and cultural industries, leisure and tourism, leisure cities, leisure agriculture and public leisure space have been gradually brought into the daily lives of ordinary people. Become a national spiritual and cultural life an important part. The appearance of leisure and cultural industries is the result of social and economic development and an important symbol of the society toward a more harmonious civilization. In order to fully regulate leisure and cultural services, ensure the quality of leisure services and promote the vigorous development of emerging leisure and cultural industries, China has promulgated GB / T 31171-2014 “Classification and Requirements of Urban Public Leisure Space” and GB / T31172-2014 “Integration of Urban and Rural Leisure Services Guidelines”