Superfluidity of coherent light in self-focusing nonlinear waveguides

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangfang200805
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We establish the superfluidity theory of coherent light in waveguides made of nonlinear polar crystals.It is found that the pairing state of photons in a nonlinear polar crystal is the photonic superfluid state.The photon-photon interaction potential is an attractive effective interaction by exchange of virtual optical phonons.In the traveling-wave pairing state of photons,the photon number is conserved,which is similar to the Bose-Einstein condensation(BEC) state of photons.In analogy to the BCS-BEC crossover theory of superconductivity,we derive a set of coupled order parameter and number equations,which determine the solution of the traveling-wave superfluid state of photons.This solution gives the critical velocity of light in a self-focusing nonlinear waveguide.The most important property of the photonic superfluid state is that the system of photon pairs evolves without scattering attenuations. We establish the superfluidity theory of coherent light in waveguides made of nonlinear polar crystals. It is found that the pairing state of photons in a nonlinear polar crystal is the photonic superfluid state. The photon-photon interaction potential is an attractive effective interaction by exchange of virtual optical phonons. in the traveling-wave pairing state of photons, the photon number is conserved, which is similar to the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) state of photons. analogy to the BCS-BEC crossover theory of superconductivity, we derive a set of coupled order parameter and number equations, which determine the solution of the traveling-wave superfluid state of photons. This solution gives the critical velocity of light in a self-focusing nonlinear waveguide. the most important property of the photonic superfluid state is that the system of photon pairs evolves without scattering attenuations.
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