In economics and social sciences, globalization is seen as a threat to universal welfare states. This view is widely disseminated but not convincing. This article refutes the above view in three steps: In the first step, a brief review of the history of Europe since the late 19th century reveals that the countries of globalization and welfare developed simultaneously in history. The second step is to further demonstrate the dilemma of globalization. Nowadays, , Globalization does indeed pose a threat to the welfare state to a certain degree. At the same time, globalization needs the support of the welfare state. The third step is to demonstrate that people need to solve the dilemma of globalization or that globalization will be in jeopardy. The author believes that they will form an anti-globalization political role if they do not carry out socio-political compensation for those who suffer from the loss of globalization. Just as what people did in Europe during the two world wars of the 20th century That way. Therefore, people’s expectations of the success of the globalization process will make them tend to protect the welfare state, thereby contributing to the irreversible development of the welfare state.