氧化钇稳定四方氧化锆多晶瓷因其优异的力学性能和生物相容性,广泛应用于口腔领域;但其羟基含量低且不含二氧化硅,无法通过氢氟酸酸蚀的方法产生有利于微机械固位的表面,因此氧化锆陶瓷的粘接问题是临床难点。氧化锆粘接前的表面预处理是提高其粘接强度和粘接耐久性的常用方法。本文对喷砂、激光蚀刻、酸蚀、硅涂层以及等离子体等氧化锆陶瓷的表面预处理方法进行综述,分析优缺点,并展望相关临床应用及未来研究方向。“,”Yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal ceramics is widely used in the field of dentistry because of its excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility. However, it has low hydroxyl content and does not contain silica. Therefore micro mechanical retention induced by hydrofluoric acid etching on its surface is not applicable. The bonding of zirconia is a difficult problem. Zirconia surface pretreatment is commonly used to improve bonding strength and durability. This review summarizes surface pretreatment of dental zirconia ceramic including air abrasion, laser etching, acid etching, silica coating, non-thermal plasmas treatment, et al. In addition, it presents advantages and disadvantages of each treatment, provides guidance for application and future research directions.