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可是太“阳光”有时候也会有弊端,稍微硬朗一些的男性角色都不会主动找他。意料之外的《奋斗》郑恺出演电影版《奋斗》中向南一角,是片中女一号董璇向导演推荐的。董璇和郑恺在一家经纪公司,她总是说郑恺有点向南的感觉,应该和《奋斗》的导演马伟豪见一见。对于出演向南,郑恺感觉自己希望不大。见导演马伟豪那天,郑恺刚刚拍完一个发型广告,头发全部染成了橘红色,当时就能感觉到马导看他的眼神有些奇异。郑恺心中忐忑,两人不尴不尬地聊上了。其实此次聊天的内容无关电影《奋斗》,再加上马伟豪的普通话也不甚利落,两人交流起来颇为费劲。聊了不到半个小时,导演就让郑恺回去等消息。郑恺心里一凉:“这下肯定没戏了。”没想到第三天,导演助理就打来电话,让他去剧组 But too “sunshine ” sometimes there will be drawbacks, a little tough some male characters will not take the initiative to find him. The unexpected “struggle” Cheng Kai starred in the film version of “struggle” in the south corner, is the film female Dong Xuan recommended to the director. Dong Xuan and Zheng Kai in a brokerage firm, she always said Zheng Kai a little south, and should be “struggling” director Ma Wei Hao see. For starred in the South, Zheng Kai feel little hope. See Ma Weihao director that day, Zheng Kai just finished a hair ad, all the hair dyed orange, then you can feel Ma Guodao his eyes a bit strange. Zheng Kai heart 忐 忑, they are not embarrassed to chat. In fact, the content of this chat has nothing to do with the movie “struggle”, coupled with Ma Weihao Mandarin is not very neat, the two are quite strenuous exchange. Chat less than half an hour, the director let Zheng Kai go back and other news. Zheng Kai heart a cool: “This is definitely a play. ” Did not expect the third day, the director assistant called, let him go to the crew
2006年,唐作回到家乡四川资阳安岳县,投资5万元从河北引进500多只种兔来养,专给烧烤店供货。2007年初,唐作的养殖场规模已经达到了2000多只。可就在即将上市的关键时刻,一场兔瘟(兔病毒性出血症,当时无药可治)让兔子全军覆没,一夜间损失了20多万元。  2008年5月,唐作在成都逛花卉市场,在—家宠物店发现了几只特别可爱的小兔子,它们的耳朵居然耷拉着,特别长。只有拳头般大小,可以装进衣兜,憨