
来源 :文学界(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macg27
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李渔是清初著名的戏剧理论家、小说家和活动家。他的戏剧观念对中国古典戏剧创作产生了深远的影响,可以说李渔是“为观众而戏曲”的职业戏曲家,本文按照戏剧活动基本过程即戏剧文本创作、舞台实践、戏剧接受这一角度并结合李渔重要的戏剧作品对李渔的戏剧观进行总体研究。 Li Yu was a famous theater theorist, novelist and activist in the early Qing Dynasty. His concept of drama has had a profound impact on the creation of classical Chinese drama. It can be said that Li Yu is a professional opera singer who “plays the role of audience for the audience.” This paper follows the basic process of drama activities: drama writing, stage practice, drama acceptance Angle and combined with Li Yu’s important dramatic works Li Yu’s theatrical view of the overall study.
白细胞介素 1 8是一种Th1类细胞因子 ,它主要由活化的单核 巨噬细胞产生 ,与白细胞介素 1 β有相似的结构 ,而与白细胞介素 1 2有相似的生物学功能 ,特别是具有极强的诱生γ