There are four types of legal relationship between universities and organizers, namely, the autocratic government model, the government-led model, the university-led model and the autonomy model for colleges and universities. My country is a typical government-led model. The drawbacks of the government-led model seriously hamper the development of Chinese universities. In the context of the de-administrativeization of higher education in our country and the coming-up of a new round of university regulations, the rationalization of the legal relationship between universities and sponsors has become an urgent need and importance Question. We should adhere to the principle of governing by law, autonomy of universities, macroeconomic management and cooperation and interaction. By taking the reform of administrative deregulation as an opportunity, we should sort out the legal relations that define the universities and their organizers, and realize the transformation from a centralized government model to a dominant one in colleges and universities. The rights and obligations of universities and organizers.