【摘 要】
This year marks the 15th anniversaryof the establishment of diplomaticrelations between China and theRepublic of Korea (ROK), or SouthKorea, and it is also a year of friend-ly communication between th
This year marks the 15th anniversaryof the establishment of diplomaticrelations between China and theRepublic of Korea (ROK), or SouthKorea, and it is also a year of friend-ly communication between the two coun-tries.
Monkey King and Mickey Mouse arefamiliar names to most Chinesewho grew up in the 70s and 80s.
Electronic media versus print. Swordsare drawn. There is no doubt thatglobal print media companies havefelt the impact of the Internet’s ram-pant growth, where the duel forinformation, entertainment a
When the founder of China’sTaoist philosophy Lao Zi firstbegan to write Daodejing(Classic of the Way andVirtue), he believed the con-cept in his mind was too profound to bedescribed in words.
This is the second in a series of articles on this topic, thefirst of which appears in Issue No.19 We now look at the cost of land. Here we have contactedthe most popular local development zone in ea
If you’re looking for a bank to open anaccount of at least 80,000 yuan ($1=7.7yuan) in Beijing and you don’t want toqueue in an outlet of a local bank,Citibank (China) Co. Ltd.
Li: China’s avia-tion industry hasgrown up against asuppression and tech-nology blockade by for-eign countries.
When people see 35-year-oldKarine Martin walkingthrough the streets of ShaanxiProvince’s Xi’an City, herblonde hair held in a bun atopher head, wearing a dark Taoist robe, she isoften mistaken for an
China could see its first jumbojet spread its wings as early as2020,according to LiuDaxiang, a senior consultant ofthe research and developmentdepartment of China AviationIndustry Corp.
The Chinese currency has appreciat-ed almost 7 percent in less than twoyears. However, there are still lots ofdiscontented voices,especiallywhen the second China-U.S. strate-gic economic dialogue is c
The Dalai Lama told Der Spiegel that hisforemost objective is to protect Tibetan cul-ture and the status of Tibet.