“The Darkness” tells the story of the pursuit of and the fate of Tracy McGrady and Sophie in the brutal real world from different personalities. Tracy McGrady, who is physically disabled, has the character of being extravagant and refined, endures various blows and tribulations of the worldly customs, and eventually martyrdom as a symbol of light and “good ”. Sophie, with a beautiful appearance, has been in serious contradiction with the world around him and with social norms and has gradually moved toward darkness at the instigation of the enormous power of his subconscious instincts “evil”. The fate of many other characters collide with each other and lead to their own personality struggles and divisions. The novel not only describes the distortion, degradation and destruction of human nature in the morbid world, but also shows the path of human self-realization, self-healing and self-redemption. In the serious examination of human nature, writers are full of hope for humanity’s goodness.