早熟玉米新品种赤早5于2004年4月通过了内蒙古自治区农作物品种审定委员会的审定并命名,其组合为 K10×87黄12。该品种集优质高产、抗病早熟、适应性广等特点于一身,是早熟玉米品种继龙单13之后又一优良新品种。为了迅速推广赤早5这一优良新品种,尽快地将其转化为现实的生产力,现对其阐述如下。
The early maturing corn variety Chixia 5 passed the validation and naming of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Crop Variety Approval Committee in April 2004, and its combination is K10 × 87 yellow12. The variety of high-quality and high yield, disease-resistant precocious, wide adaptability and other characteristics in one, is a precocious maize varieties following a single Long after 13 and a good new varieties. To expedite the promotion of this fine new breed of Chixia 5 and transform it into real productivity as soon as possible, the following is set forth.