石林国家地质公园 位于云南省,面积400平方公里,以碳酸盐峰林地貌为特色景观,由晚古生代浅海相灰岩、白云岩构成。特别是厚层块状碳酸盐岩中发育垂直节理,丰沛的雨水沿裂隙节理下渗、溶蚀,形成各种岩溶地貌,如石牙、溶沟、溶斗、峰林、溶洞和溶蚀盆地等。本区以溶蚀峰林最为壮观,或如柱,或如剑,或如古塔,或如蘑菇,或貌似人形、怪兽,千姿百态,高达20~50米,群集如林,望而生义,名为石林。
Shilin National Geological Park is located in Yunnan Province, covering an area of 400 square kilometers, featuring carbonate landscapes, including Late Paleozoic shallow marine limestone and dolomite. In particular, vertical thick joints are developed in thick massive carbonate rocks, and abundant rainwater infiltrates and erodes along fractured joints to form various karst landforms such as stone teeth, ditches, spheres, spikes, karst caves, and erosion basins . The district is the most spectacular erosion of peaks, or as columns, or as the sword, or as the ancient tower, or as mushrooms, or seemingly humanoid, monsters, in different poses and with different expressions, up to 20 to 50 meters, Stone Forest.