介绍了华东电网“九五”期间的光辉成就;装机容量突破50GW、2000年全社会用电量达2 620亿kW· h、同比增长 11. 6%、建造了国内第一台 600 MW超临界发电机组、第一条±500 kV直流输电等,对“十五”期间华东电力持续发展作了展望,预计“十五”期间华东电网装机容量达 74 GW,用电量在 3 360~3 440kW· h。
The glorious achievements during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period of East China Power Grid were introduced; the installed capacity exceeded 50 GW, and the total social power use in 2000 reached 262 billion kW·h, a year-on-year increase. 6%, built the first 600 MW supercritical power generation unit in China, and the first ±500 kV direct current power transmission, and looked forward to the sustainable development of East China Power during the “10th Five-Year Plan” period. It is expected that the installed capacity of East China Power Grid during the “10th Five-Year Plan” period. Up to 74 GW, the electricity consumption is 3 360 to 3 440 kW·h.