
来源 :商用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaxia904
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2011年7月11日,中机车辆技术服务中心发出的《关于将怠速启停汽车按常规汽车进行〈公告〉管理的通知》称:为积极推进汽车节能减排,正确引导企业发展新能源汽车,经研究,决定自即日起将怠速启停汽车按常规汽车进行《公告》管理,不再要求按《新能源汽车企业及产品准入规则》进行企业及产品准入审查。 July 11, 2011, issued by China Machine Tool Technical Service Center, “on the idle start and stop the car according to the conventional car notice,” said: In order to actively promote energy-saving emission reduction vehicles, and properly guide the development of new energy vehicles According to the study, it was decided that the starting and stopping of idle vehicles should be managed according to the “Notice” routinely and no longer be required to conduct the enterprise and product entry examination in accordance with the “New Energy Vehicle Enterprise and Product Access Rules”.
四、“围剿”与反“围剿”的斗争 革命根据地和苏维埃区域的迅速发展,严重威胁了国民党的统治,为了扑灭革命根据地的革命烈火,国民党军队对中央苏区展开了一次又一次的“围
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