患者,男,40岁,因咳嗽、呼吸困难1周,1984年6月10日住某院,X 线检查发现右肺中叶及右心缘实变影,诊断为“右肺炎症”,经用青、庆治疗10天,未见效,改抗痨治疗1月,病情加重,血红蛋白为55g/L,于7月21日转入我院。体检:体温37℃,呼吸24次,脉搏84次,血压13.3/8kPa。急性病容,中度贫血貌,皮肤及粘膜未见瘀点和瘀斑,浅表淋巴结未触及,胸骨柄轻压痛。心、肺阴性,肝右肋缘下1cm,脾肋下2cm,
Patients, male, 40 years old, due to cough, dyspnea for 1 week, June 10, 1984 to live in a hospital, X-ray examination found in the right middle lobe and right demarcation consolidation, diagnosis of “right lung inflammation” Qing, Qing treatment for 10 days, no effect, change anti-tuberculosis treatment January, the disease aggravated, hemoglobin 55g / L, on July 21 into our hospital. Physical examination: body temperature 37 ℃, breath 24 times, pulse 84 times, blood pressure 13.3 / 8kPa. Acute illness, moderate anemia appearance, skin and mucous membrane no petechiae and ecchymosis, superficial lymph nodes not touched, sternoclavicular tenderness. Heart, lung-negative, right hepatic margin of the liver 1cm, Spleen ribs 2cm,