当代西班牙著名导演阿尔莫多瓦(Pedro Almodóvar)的电影很大一部分都是以女性为主题的。他擅长通过镜头展现女性丰富细腻的多面情感世界。他的代表作《濒临崩溃边缘的女人》(’Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown’)为他赢得了1988年威尼斯电影展最佳剧本奖以及欧洲电影展最佳青年电影奖。他最拿手的是描述女性在面对来自社会纷扰和人性考验时所流露出来的多面感情。本文就阿尔莫多瓦电影中所出现的系列女性角色的多面情感做一个粗略的评述。
Most of the films of the famous contemporary Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar are female-themed. He is good at showing women through the lens rich and delicate multi-faceted emotional world. His masterpiece “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” won him the 1988 Best Screenplay at the Venice Film Festival and the Best Young Film Award at the European Film Festival. He is best at depicting women’s multi-faceted feelings in the face of social turmoil and human nature tests. This article gives a rough review of the multifaceted emotions of the series of female characters appearing in the Almodovar films.