[目的]了解高密市暗娼人群(CSW)艾滋病相关知识知晓情况、行为特征及艾滋病、梅毒感染状况,为制定有效的干预措施和防治对策提供信息和依据。[方法]2009年7~9月对高密市部分娱乐场所的CSW 236人进行问卷调查,并检测HIV、梅毒抗体。[结果]合计调查CSW 236人,艾滋病相关知识知晓率为54.80%;获取艾滋病相关知识的途径是免费宣传材料的占67.37%,是电视的占54.24%,是报刊书籍的占41.95%;最近1个月商业性行为每次都使用安全套者占55.93%;与固定性伴最近一个月性行为时每次都使用安全套者占13.51%;22.46%的人出现过性病症状;出现性病症状时,28.30%的人选择到综合医院处理,35.85%的人选择到私人诊所就诊;16.10%的人自愿做过艾滋病病毒抗体检测。236人均未检出HIV抗体阳性,检出梅毒抗体阳性者13例。[结论]高密市CSW艾滋病阳性率目前仍处于较低水平,但高危行为广泛存在。
[Objective] To understand the AIDS-related knowledge, behavioral characteristics, AIDS and syphilis infection among CSWs in Gaomi City, and to provide information and basis for making effective interventions and prevention and treatment measures. [Methods] From July to September 2009, CSW 236 people in some places of entertainment in Gaomi City were surveyed and HIV and syphilis antibodies were detected. [Results] A total of 236 CSWs were surveyed. The awareness rate of AIDS-related knowledge was 54.80%. Access to AIDS-related knowledge was 67.37% by free materials, 54.24% by television and 41.95% by newspapers and magazines. Accounting for 55.93% of the patients who used condoms every time during the month; 13.51% of them used condoms every time when they had sexual partners with their regular partners; 22.46% had symptoms of STDs; 28.30 % Of people choose to go to the general hospital for treatment, 35.85% choose to visit private clinics; 16.10% of people volunteered for HIV antibody testing. 236 were not detected HIV antibody positive, detected in syphilis antibody positive in 13 cases. [Conclusion] The positive rate of CSW AIDS in Gaomi City is still at a low level, but the high-risk behaviors are widespread.