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王吉民先生曾于1953年第4号的中华医史杂志上发表‘李时珍本草纲目外文译本谈"一文,介绍纲目的法、日、德、英四种文字译本,其内容略如下:一、法文译本最早译本草纲目的是法国都哈尔德(Du Halde)。1735年都氏刊行中国史地年事政治记录一书,中有两节论及药物,系由本草纲目节译而成。此外,法国学者如Lepage(1813),Yuan(1847)等皆有关于中国药用植物的著述,但并非直译本草纲目。二、日文译本明万历末年即日本长庆11年(1606),林道春自长崎得本草纲目,献于幕府,是此书传至日本之始.至此书译为日文,共有两种:一为本草纲目译说,20册,系小野兰山于天明3年即1783年刊行;一为头注国译本草纲目,共15巨册布面精装,白井光太郎等译校,于昭和4年即1929年刊行。此外尚有本草图谱一书,系岩崎常正根据本草纲目而绘,于1828年出版。三、德文译本本草纲目于距今二百年前传入德国后,引起德国学者极大重视。Dalitzsch 与 Ross二氏合译本于1928年出版,共14巨册,并有精美五彩插图。此译本并非全译,金石等都已删去,只由草木部译起。四、英文译本 B.E.Read在R.Mills 译稿的基础上,将全部纲目译成英文,由北平博物学会分期出版,自1928年超至1941年,计出版金石部、兽部、禽部、鳞部、介部、虫部等专册。草木部初稿于1949年完成,尚未刊行。中华医学会医史博物馆藏有该稿打本副本。此外,Smith的中国药料品物略释,Stuart的中国药物草木部以及Read与刘汝强合编的本草新注等书,虽非直译本草纲目,但均取材于该书。 Mr. Wang Jimin published the translation of ’Li Shizhen’s Compendium of Materia Medica’ in Chinese Medical History Magazine No. 4 of 1953, introducing the translations of French, Japanese, German and English as follows: 1. French The first translation of the book of Materia Medica is the subject of Du Halde, France. In 1735, both published a book on the political records of the history of China in its history, with two treatises on drugs, which were translated from the Compendium of Materia Medica. , French scholars such as Lepage (1813), Yuan (1847) and so on all have the writings of Chinese medicinal plants, but not a literal translation of Compendium of Materia Medica.Second, the Japanese translation Ming Wanli that Changqing 11 years (1606), Lindao Chun Nagasaki was Compendium of Materia Medica, dedicated to the shogunate, is the book spread to the beginning of Japan. So far the book translated into Japanese, there are two: one for the Compendium of Materia Medica translation, 20, Department of small mountain orchid in Tianming 3 years 1783 Published a head note of the national translation of Compendium of Materia Medica, a total of 15 volumes of cloth hard cover, Taro Shirai Kotaro and other translation schools, in 1947, 1947. In addition there is still a sketch of the book, Department of Iwasaki often according to Compendium of Materia Medica and Painted, published in 1828. Third, the German translation of Compendium of Materia Medica came into pass two hundred years ago Germany, attracted great attention of German scholars.Dalitzsch and Ross two’s translation was published in 1928, a total of 14 volumes, and a beautiful colorful illustrations.This translation is not translated, stone and so on have been deleted, only by the grass and wood English translation of the original translation of BERead R.Mills, based on all programs translated into English, published by the Beiping Museum Association by stages, from 1928 to 1941, counting the Department of stone, beast, bird Ministry of Sclerosis, Department, Ministry of insects, etc. The first draft of the Department of Materia Medica completed in 1949, has not yet published.Medicine Medical History Museum of China holds a copy of the draft.Moreover, Smith’s Chinese medicinal materials slightly released, Stuart’s Chinese Materia Medica Department of Materia Medica and Read and Liu Ruqiang co-editor of Herbal New Note and other books, although non-literal Compendium of Materia Medica, but are drawn from the book.