1990年12月,我们对全县347个行政村的接生员进行了摸底调查,采取了一系列的管理措施。到1991年初,基本上做到了孕产妇保健工作村村有人负责。到1992年底,全县孕产妇保健系统管理率达到了90.4%,比1990年提高了26.4%,孕产妇死亡率为39/10万,比1990年下降了13/10万。具体做法是: 1 颁发证书,取缔不合格接生员 我们根据卫生部颁发的《农村助产人员管理条例》规定对所有村级接生人员进行了
In December 1990, we carried out a thorough investigation of midwives in 347 administrative villages throughout the county and adopted a series of management measures. By early 1991, basically it was responsible for the maternal health work in the village. By the end of 1992, the county maternal health system had a management rate of 90.4%, an increase of 26.4% over 1990 and a maternal mortality rate of 39/10 million, a decrease of 13% over 1990 levels. The specific approach is: 1 issued a certificate to ban unqualified birth attendant We under the Ministry of Health issued “Regulations of the Management of Midwifery” provides for all village-level delivery staff