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代议民主是西方政治现代化的成果,它重构了民主、代表、选举这些富有古典或传统色彩的历史元素。代表制在起源上与民主政治并无关联,它将社会大众排斥在政治过程之外。为了论证政治排斥的合理性,存在选择性代表和实质性代表两种形式的代表观。前者认为普通成员经济能力低下将导致其政治能力不足,主张限制大众参与政治;后者则宣称政治制度能力的包容性,认为由小部分人选举产生的代议机构可以维护国家整体利益。这两种看似方向相反的排斥机制,共同强化了政治过程的封闭性。随着代表制和民主制的融合,代表制开始展现平等的精神,民主制逐渐具备代议的形式。代议民主从程序上将社会同意转化为对国家权力的正当性支持。政治参与不仅是建构政治代表性的必要环节,而且是公民获得制度容纳的重要标志。 Representative democracy is the result of the political modernization in the West. It reconstructs the historical elements rich in classical or traditional colors such as democracy, representation and election. The representative system has no connection with democratic politics in its origin, and it excludes the general public from the political process. In order to demonstrate the rationality of political exclusion, there are two forms of representation: selective representation and substantive representation. The former thinks that the ordinary members’ low economic ability will lead to their lack of political capabilities, advocating restricting public participation in politics and the latter declaring the inclusiveness of the political system’s ability. The representative institutions elected by a small number of people can safeguard the overall interests of the country. These two seemingly opposite exclusion mechanisms have strengthened the closure of the political process. With the integration of the representative system and the democratic system, the representative system started to show the spirit of equality, and the democratic system gradually came into existence in the form of a representative. Representative democracy transforms social consent into procedural legitimacy support for state power. Political participation is not only an essential part of building political representation, but also an important symbol of the system of citizens’ access to accommodation.
有 26 的充满碱的斑岩的一间套房。537。6Ma 在西方云南沿着 Jinsha 河缝术地区发生。他们被 LREE 富有的分发模式和没有 Eu 异例描绘。这些斑岩在 post-collisional 形成了
The tectonic analysis with regional geology of North China Craton (NCC) indicates that granulite facies province (GFP) located between northern marginal mobile
[目的]研究海南3种乡土树种肖槿(Thespesia lampas)、海棠果(Calophyllum inophyllum)、莲叶桐(Hernandia sonora)在海岸木麻黄林下的生长状况及其环境因子的关系。[方法]定