In the 21st century, with the shrinking of the size and price of the main part of the computer, the size of the microprocessor, the computer will become the internal control component of various daily necessities. For example, in the recently released car, the computer controls the car Engine, gearbox, air conditioner, anti-skid brakes, anti-theft system, speed control system. By the 21st century, household appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, ovens, audio equipment, video recorders and the like will have a small computer hidden in invisible places. Every family. In every house, there are dozens of computers in every corner of the house that control security systems, heating, air conditioning, lighting, auto-care of backyard flowers, and even feeding dogs and cats. In the 21st century, computers will not only be ubiquitous, but also come in various ways. connect them. One of the important ways is to send it over radio waves to communication satellites that operate around the earth and then transmit it to all over the world by communication satellites. This ubiquitous networking. Will make a huge change in people’s lives. For example, a computer in each factory car not only controls the car and records the operation of the car anytime, anywhere, but also loads the car