建设具有中国特色的社会主义现代化,必须使经济建设和文化建设共同发展。如果忽视文化建设,就不可能有真正意义的现代化”。加强汉语言文字的规范化管理,是文化管理极为重要的一个方面。 语言的规范化同经济建设有着不可分割的密切联系。“语言和上层建筑不同,上层建筑同生产的联系不是直接的,而是通过经济这个中介。语言则同人的生产活动直接联系着,正象它同人的工作的一切范围(毫无例处)中的其他一切活动直接联系着一样。”因此,保护祖国语言的纯洁和健康,在建设有中国特色的社会主义和加强社会主
To build socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, we must make economic development and cultural construction develop together. If we neglect the construction of culture, there can be no real modernization. “Strengthening the standardized management of Chinese language is an extremely important aspect of cultural management, and the standardization of languages is inextricably linked with economic construction.” Language and superstructure Differently, the connection between superstructure and production is not direct, but through the intermediary of economy. Language is directly connected with the productive activity of the human being, as it is directly linked with everything else in all the scope of the work of the human being, without any precedent. Therefore, to protect the purity and health of the mother tongue’s language, while building socialism with Chinese characteristics and strengthening socialism