1998 年2 月5 日,日本中山钢铁公司船町厂一台建于1973 年并经过奥钢联工程技术公司(VAI)改造的单流板坯连铸机(2 号连铸机)重新投入生产。改造内容包括安装宽度可调箱式流场控制结晶器;安装DYNAFLEX液压振动装置;采用刚性扇形段代替整个铸坯导向系统,特点是带有排列紧密、直径小的I—STAR分节辊,改善了铸坯的支承。这些措施全面提高了铸机的生产率和产品质量。所有改造工作在21 天的停产时间内就已完成,并且在恢复生产后的第一个星期内就达到铸机最大生产能力。
On February 5, 1998, a single-strand slab caster (No. 2 continuous casting machine), which was built in 1973 by the Steel Plant of Japan’s Zhongshan Iron & Steel Works and transformed by VAI, was put back into production. Retrofits include the installation of adjustable-width flow field control crystallizers; the installation of DYNAFLEX hydraulic vibratory units; the use of rigid segments instead of the entire strand guidance system, characterized by a well-aligned, small-diameter I-STAR section roll, Billet support. These measures improve overall casting machine productivity and product quality. All retrofits were completed within 21 days of downtime and reached the maximum capacity of the caster within the first week after production resumed.