《社会发展简史》(第五课 奴隶社会的形成)

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教学目的与要求一、教学目的:通过教学,使学生了解奴隶社会的形成过程,懂得在一般条件下奴隶社会代替原始社会是历史的必然趋势。二、教学要求:要求学生初步懂得: 1.什么是阶级?什么是划分阶级的标准?阶级是随着生产的一定发展而出现的。2.什么是国家?国家是怎样产生的?国家的建立是奴隶社会形成的标志。教材分析本课共有两个框题,通过阶级的出现和国家的建立说明奴隶社会是怎样形成的。第一框题是“奴隶和奴隶主的出现”,内容分为四个部分。 Teaching purposes and requirements First, the purpose of teaching: Through teaching, so that students understand the process of the formation of slave society, under the general conditions to understand the slave society to replace primitive society is the inevitable trend of history. Second, the teaching requirements: Students are required to initially understand: 1. What is the class? What is the standard classification of the class? Class is with the production of certain development. 2. What is the state? How did the state arise? The establishment of the state is a sign of the formation of the slave society. Textbook Analysis There are two general questions in this lesson. The emergence of classes and the establishment of the state shows how slave society was formed. The first problem is “the emergence of slaves and slave owners,” divided into four parts.
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1.漳州农业信息网www.zzhk.com2.中山农业信息网www.zsagri.gov.cn3.浙江农业因特网信息中心www.agaj.com4.视聆通农业信息网www.lightcity.zsnet.com5.慈溪市农业信息网www.agri.org 1. Zhangzhou Agricultural Information Network www. zzhk. com2. Zhongshan Agr
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