Five years ago, with the Hunan Provincial Institute of Architects to go to Switzerland for a professional inspection, the experts who went together generally felt we were behind the others for at least 50 years. Recently, a few friends came back from Europe. When talking about their feelings in Europe, they not only admire the quality of life of other people, the care of the city, and the exquisiteness and warmth of the public space, but also lament the historical memory and artistic charm of European cities. In 1949, China’s urbanization level was 7.3%, compared with 17.92% in 1978. In the 30 years of reform and opening up in 2008, our urbanization level has risen to 45.68% and the 2014 forecast is expected to reach 57%. The number of cities increased from 132 before the founding of the PRC to 680 now. Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, we are in a stage of rapid development. Urbanization progressed rapidly, living standards of urban residents significantly improved,