
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syy1116
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民宿以体验性、个性化等特征迎合了旅游消费的多样化需求,受到各地普遍重视并得到了快速发展。与蓬勃发展的民宿旅游实践相比,理论研究和系统梳理相对较少。基于CNKI数据库文献,本文对中国大陆民宿旅游研究内容进行归纳,并认为现有内容集中于:境外民宿旅游发展经验介绍、各地区民宿问题和对策分析、民宿旅游景观与建筑设计、民宿消费者感知满意度以及民宿旅游法律法规建设等。 B & B caters to the diversified needs of tourism consumption with experiential and individual characteristics, and has been widely valued by all localities and has been rapidly developed. Compared with the flourishing development of B & B tourism, theoretical research and systematic review are relatively few. Based on the CNKI database, this paper summarizes the research contents of the tourism in China’s B & B tourism, and concludes that the existing contents focus on the introduction of overseas tourism development experience, the problems and countermeasures of B & B in various regions, the tourism landscape and architectural design of B & Satisfaction and B & B tourism laws and regulations and so on.
辉煌灿烂、浩如烟海的中国画,经过几千年的漫长历程,寄托了中国文人太多的思想和文化情感;演绎着一个又一个精彩的人文故事。近日,在好友的引荐下。我们在开封东京书画院见到了当代著名国画家史继雨先生。与他的交谈让我们了解了一个命运坎坷,身处逆境而不屈的史继雨。  他历时八年,晓行夜宿,遍历祖国名山大川,以自然为师,醉心于笔墨,写就了一幅幅笔墨尽妙、色墨浑融、辉煌沧桑、大气磅礴的山水画卷。他的花鸟画,以锦绣