急性脑血管病时自由基的产生及其参与脑缺氧损伤的病理过程,已被临床医家所重视.有关自由基的监测可以通过电子自旋共振(Electrone SpinResonance,ESR)直接进行测定.但因为自由基寿命短,测定技术复杂.需用价格高昂的仪器、所以临床实用尚有困难.通过测定自由基攻击神经细胞膜上富含的磷脂中的不饱和脂肪酸所产生的脂质过氧化物(lipid peroxides,LPO),亦可间接了解体内自由基的产生及其损害.本文测定了急性脑血管病患者73例血中LPO,报道其结果如下.
The generation of free radicals in acute cerebrovascular disease and its involvement in the pathogenesis of cerebral hypoxia injury have been paid more and more attention by clinicians.The monitoring of free radicals can be directly measured by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Free radical life is short, the determination of complex technology.Use expensive instruments, so clinical practical yet difficult.By measuring the free radicals attack the nerve cell membrane-rich unsaturated fatty acids in phospholipids produced by lipid peroxidation (lipid) peroxides, LPO), but also indirect understanding of the generation of free radicals in the body and its damage.In this paper, LPO was measured in 73 patients with acute cerebrovascular disease, the results are as follows.