根据本市房改有关出售公有住房的规定,公有住房出售单位、购房人和房地产管理部门应按下列程序进行工作: 一、售房单位的工作程序: 1、售房单位所出售的房屋须取得自地产权属管理部门核发的房屋所有权证或出具的确权证明。 2、售房单位按本市房改政策规定编制售房实施方案
According to the provisions of the Housing Reform on the sale of public housing, public housing units, purchasers and real estate management departments should work according to the following procedures: First, the procedures for the sale of units: 1, the sale of flats to sell houses to be obtained from Real estate ownership is issued by the management department issued a certificate of ownership or certificate of ownership. 2, units for sale according to the provisions of the city housing reform policies for the preparation of the implementation plan