岩心最佳饱和度模型的确定是核磁共振测井实验研究工作的重要方面,有助于现场测井中有关参数的合理选择,用以更好地评价油、气储层。分析岩心核磁共振实验资料,采用频谱法(SBV I)计算束缚水饱和度模型参数,选定适合区块的模型参数。
The determination of the optimum core saturation model is an important aspect of the NMR logging experiment, which is helpful for the reasonable selection of relevant parameters in the well logging to better evaluate the oil and gas reservoirs. The experimental data of core NMR were analyzed. The parameters of irreducible water saturation model were calculated by spectral method (SBV I) and the model parameters of the suitable block were selected.