In order to understand the intestinal worm infection among Han and Uigur pupils in our town, we conducted a survey on 866 students in May 1989 with the following results. Infection rate Fresh feces were collected and examined with saturated saline floatation. A total of 866 students were enrolled, 439 were Han nationality, and 427 were Uyghurs. Among them, the single infection rate of Han students was 15.72% (69/439) and the mixed infection rate was 0.68% (3/439). The single infection rate of Uighur students was 17.8% (76/427), and the mixed infection rate was 1.4% (6/427). Found roundworm, short film tapeworm, pinworm, whipworm, hookworm 5 species. Degree of infection according to Smirnov indexing method, the determination of students roundworm