
来源 :计划经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yefenggege
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在治理整顿,压缩固定资产投资规模、清理在建项目的工作中,对于占全社会固定资产投资总额很大比重的国家预算外投资的畸形膨胀,应采取有效措施进行清理整顿,这对完成三年调整的任务至关重要,我想就这方面的问题,谈几点意见。一、预算外投资规模畸形膨胀,应是整顿的重点 (一)预算外投资规模失控严重。国民经济的高速增长,同固定资产投资的大量投入息息相关,用高投入刺激了高增长。1980年至1988年,在改革经济体制方面,由于对社会主义计划经济的歪曲和否定,过分强调市场机制的作用,片面强调“放”,限制“管”,对计划的综合平衡工作指责多,致使宏观计划凋控乏力,放权过多过快,投资主体分散化,投资渠 In the process of rectifying and rectifying, reducing the scale of investment in fixed assets and cleaning up projects under construction, effective measures should be taken to clean up and rectify the abnormal expansion of state extra-budgetary investments that account for a large proportion of total social investment in fixed assets, The task of annual adjustment is of crucial importance. I would like to make a few comments on this issue. First, the abnormal expansion of the scale of extra-budget investment should be the focus of rectification (A) the scale of uncontrolled investment out of control serious. The rapid growth of the national economy is closely linked to the massive investment in fixed assets and the high investment has stimulated high growth. In terms of reforming the economic system from 1980 to 1988, due to the distortion and negation of the socialist planned economy, the role of the market mechanism was overemphasized. One-sided emphasis was placed on “letting go” As a result, the macroeconomic plan has become sluggish. Excessively excessive delegation of powers has led to diversification of investment and investment channels
近年来,棉铃虫复合虫种(Heliothis spp.)对拟除虫菊酯农药出现抗药性,对棉花生产形成严重威胁,抗药性过强时,往往导致治虫失败。至目前止,已报道出现抗性的虫种有:棉铃虫(H.
在西藏,菌核病Sclerotinia scleroti-orum(Lib.)de Bary过去仅在露地十字花科蔬菜上零星发生,1983年以来,随着保护地蔬菜栽培面积扩大和复种指数的提高等,菌核病在保护地流
近两年来,一些报刊上一方面大讲十年改革如何促进了经济的发展,另一方面又大讲十年间工业经济效益如何降低。这里,我从对工业经济效益的具体分析中谈谈对这一悖论的看法。 1
本文介绍潮州音乐最具代表性的音乐品种——潮州弦诗乐的有关史料、演奏特征,乐调、板式等艺术特色及其社会价值。 This article introduces the most representative music
棉蝗(Chondracris rosea De Geer)是一种杂食性害虫,为害棉花、甘蔗、水稻、豆类等作物。过去我县曾在柑桔园偶见成虫。1988年全县1.9万亩桔园(主要品种为尾张、宫川),有近2