由《环境与生活》杂志社主办的小小环境观察员环保绘画大赛,自201 3年4月开始征集以来,共收到全国各地40余所学校的1 300多幅作品,从作品中我们看到了小小环境观察员们对绿色未来充满想象力的构想。经过初选,共有800幅作品进入第一轮评审阶段,其中200幅优秀作品脱颖而出,进入第二轮评审阶段,这些作品于7月1日——7月10日通过新浪微博进行网络投票。网络投票结束后,组委会将组织专家进行终评,专家评分占总评分的70%,网络
Since the project was started in April 3, 2013, a total of more than 1,300 works by more than 40 schools across the country have been received by Environmental Observers Environmental Painting Contest organized by Environment and Life magazine. We can see from the works Little environmental observers are imaginative about the green future. After the primary election, a total of 800 works have entered the first round of assessment stage, of which 200 outstanding works come to the forefront of the second round of review stage. These works were conducted online from July 1 to July 10 through Sina Weibo. After the network voting, the Organizing Committee will organize experts for final evaluation, experts score 70% of the total score, the network