早在1980年6月,全国小学语文教学研究会成立前夕,袁微子同志(小学语文课本主编)就指出:“现在小学语文教学中有一个普遍的问题,就是着重抓了两头,放了中间,也就是抓了一、二年级和四、五年级,放松了三年级,”事隔十年,目前的状况如何呢?在去年全区小学课堂教学现状调查中,发现忽视中年级现象依然存在,不少市、县在师资配备上重高年级和起始年级,轻中年级:在教学研究中,对中年级的重点,方法、序列缺乏系统的研究。表现在:1.对中年级的语文训练在小学语文教学整体中的地位,作用认识不足;2.对中年级识字’教学的特点抓不准,忽视自能识字训练:3.对中年级训练重点——段的训练具体要求不明确,训练方法简单化:4.从内容入手进行作文片断训练认识不到,训练方法单一。 三年级语文教学,既要巩固低年级所学的基础知识,形成的基本技能,又要为高年级教学打下基础,在整个小学语文教学中起承前启后的桥梁作用。如何搞好中年级的教学呢?下面就几个应该注意的问题谈谈个人的意见。 一、用好识字工具,培养自己识字能力 三年级的识字县在学生已掌握了三套识字工具
As early as June 1980, on the eve of the founding of the National Primary School Chinese Teaching and Research Society, Comrade Yuan Weizi (chief editor of primary school language textbooks) pointed out: “Nowadays there is a common problem in primary school Chinese teaching, that is, focusing on the two ends, placing the middle, That is grasping the first and second grades and the fourth and fifth grades, relaxing the third grade, ”After a lapse of ten years, the current situation? In last year's survey of the status quo of primary school classroom teaching in the region, I found that there is still neglect of middle-grade phenomenon, not In cities and counties, there is a lack of systematic research on the emphasis, methods and sequences of middle-grade in teaching and research. The main contents are as follows: 1. To understand the position and function of language training in middle school in the overall teaching of primary school; 2. To grasp the characteristics of middle school grade reading teaching and to ignore the training of self - Focus - the training of specific requirements is not clear, the training method is simple: 4. From the content of the composition of the training to understand the piece, the training method is single. The third grade Chinese teaching not only consolidates the basic knowledge and basic skills learned in lower grades, but also lays the foundation for higher grade teaching and plays a role as a bridge in the whole Chinese teaching of primary schools. How to do a good job of middle-grade teaching? Here are some questions that should be noted about personal opinions. First, make good use of literacy tools to develop their literacy Third grade literacy counties in the students have mastered three literacy tools