反家庭暴力作为妇女解放运动的重要组成部分在抗战时期的陕甘宁边区备受重视 ,妇联组织在边区反家庭暴力的实践中发挥了极其重要的作用。边区反家庭暴力的成就主要表现为妇女受虐现象某种程度地减少 ,以打骂妇女为突出特征的传统家庭风气得到了改变。启示我们 :反家庭暴力应获得党和政府的领导与支持 ;以妇联组织为中坚 ;强化反家庭暴力的舆论宣传 ;要有相关的立法以及促进妇女经济自立等
Anti-domestic violence, as an important part of the women’s liberation movement, has drawn great attention in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region during the war of resistance against Japan. The organization of the women’s federations has played an extremely important role in the anti-domestic violence in the border areas. Achievements in the fight against domestic violence in the border areas have been mainly manifested in some extent in the reduction of the abuse of women and the change in the traditional family style that has characterized women as a prominent feature. Inspire us: anti-domestic violence should be the leadership and support of the party and government; with the women’s federation as the backbone; to strengthen public opinion against domestic violence; to have the relevant legislation and to promote women’s economic independence