The response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants basically fertilized with 0.3 g N per plant of compound fertilizer with a N:P2O5:K2O ratio of 20:10:20 t
The seasonal mean atmospheric precipitable water and water vapor transport over the Haihe River Basin (HRB) in North China with a focus on their interannual to
当前矿区合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量(D-InSAR)监测研究大多局限于以地表移动为对象,求取其他形变指标通常仍需野外测量。针对这一不足,构建出一种提取地表移动变形(surface movement and deformation,SMD)面域信息的模型——SMD模型。模型可求解的量有:①地表沿任意方向的倾斜、曲率,地表倾斜、曲率最大值与其所沿方向;②水平或近水平煤层开采下,矿区地表沿任意方向的水平移
To probe the processes and mechanisms of soil organic carbon (SOC) changes during forest recovery, a 150-year chronosequence study on SOC was conducted for vari