笔者采用中西医结合治疗方法治疗成人紫癜性肾炎23例,现报道如下。1 临床资料 中西医结合治疗组(简称治疗组):按《现代内科学》的标准[1],诊断为紫癜性肾炎23例,其中男14例,女9例;年龄14~57(平均30.7±15.7)岁。对照组为1994~19
I used the combination of Chinese and Western medicine treatment of adult purpura nephritis in 23 cases, are reported below. 1 Clinical data Integrative Medicine Group (referred to as the treatment group): According to the standard of modern medicine [1], diagnosed as purpura nephritis in 23 cases, including 14 males and 9 females; aged 14 to 57 (average 30 .7 ± 15.7) years old. The control group was 1994-19