随着社会的开放和发展,人们逐渐对性自由持宽容和开放的态度,不安全性行为在各类人群中不断增多,暗娼(female sex worker,FSW)作为提供性服务的一个特殊流动群体,面对各种服务对象,其行为更具有桥梁作用,从而进一步增加了传播艾滋病和性病的危险性。嘉峪关市自2010年以来,作为国家级FSW监测哨点,对辖区内的娱乐场所不定期地进行艾滋病的宣传和干预工作,并连续在每年的4-6月进行哨点检测。
With the opening-up and development of society, people are gradually becoming more tolerant and open to sexual freedom. Unsafe sex is increasing in all kinds of people. Female sex worker (FSW), as a special mobile group providing sexual services, The face of a variety of clients, their behavior is more a bridge, thereby further increasing the risk of transmission of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Since 2010, Jiayuguan City, as a state-level FSW monitoring sentinel, has been conducting AIDS publicity and intervention from time to time in entertainment venues within its jurisdiction and has been conducting sentinel testing in April and June annually.