中庸 和谐 对称——中国古代建筑设计的美学旨趣

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中国古代建筑从产生之日开始就具有功能性和政治伦理象征性,因此既是实际的器物建筑又体现着中国的伦理道德和文化心理。在功能性和象征性的选择过程中,由于中国古代建筑师创造性地运用了中国儒家的中庸思想,使墨家、道家和儒家文化在建筑上巧妙融合,这种独特的中国文化在实际建筑设计中则表现为建筑风格的和谐自然和布局的讲究对称。 Since ancient times, China's ancient architecture has been symbolic of functionality and political ethics since the day of its birth. Therefore, it is both an actual artifact and an ethic and cultural psychology of China. In the process of functional and symbolic selection, Chinese ancient architects creatively applied the golden meanings of Chinese Confucianism to make the architectural integration of Mohism, Taoism and Confucianism. This unique Chinese culture has been used in practical architectural design The performance of the architectural style of the harmonious nature and the layout of stress symmetry.
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