
来源 :日本医学介绍 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jtyz888
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据千例以上资料统计,食管出血占上消化道出血的16.7~33.1%。引起呕血的食管疾病主要有三种:食管静脉曲张,Mallory—Weiss 综合征,食管炎、食管溃疡。一、食管静脉曲张破裂出血食管静脉曲张是由于门静脉血运障碍在食管粘膜下建立起侧枝循环,使逐渐扩张的静脉向食管腔内形成瘤状突起的一种病症。造成门脉血运障碍的疾病有肝硬化、肝癌、门静脉血栓形成及 Budd~Chiari 综合征等。其中肝硬化占半数以上。近年,日本的酒精消费量增加,酒精性肝硬化引起食管静脉曲张的发生率增高。食管静脉曲张破裂出血的特点是:血管本身容易破裂,加上肝硬化患者多伴有程度不等的肝功能损害 According to more than a thousand cases of statistics, esophageal bleeding accounted for upper gastrointestinal bleeding 16.7 ~ 33.1%. There are three main types of esophageal disease that cause vomiting: Esophageal varices, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, esophagitis, and esophageal ulcers. First, the esophageal variceal bleeding Esophageal varices is due to portal vein blood supply disorders in the esophageal mucosa to establish collateral circulation, the gradual expansion of the veins to the formation of tumor-like esophageal protrusion of a disease. The diseases causing portal dysfunction include cirrhosis, liver cancer, portal vein thrombosis and Budd Chiari syndrome. Liver cirrhosis accounted for more than half. In recent years, Japan’s alcohol consumption increased alcoholic cirrhosis caused by increased incidence of esophageal varices. Esophageal variceal bleeding characteristics are: easy to rupture the blood vessels themselves, coupled with cirrhosis of the liver are often accompanied by varying degrees of damage
2月19日 晴  一  “啊,睡了一觉可真舒服呀!”我挥动翅膀,摸了摸触角。“嗯,一切正常。”正当我想起飞时,觉得有一双眼睛正盯着我。回头一看,吓了我一跳,竟然是只猫。  二  我看到了一只小蝴蝶!真是只可爱的蝴蝶。美丽的翅膀上,有一块一块的黑色斑点,分布得很均匀,其余地方是透明的,真让人着迷。“喵,”我忍不住叫了出来,“你真可爱,你能陪我玩吗?”  三  “Hi,巧克力,你饿了吗?”我过来向我心