【摘 要】
根据中国化学会第 2 5届理事会第一次常务理事会决定 ,中国化学会将于今年 1 1月上、中旬在北京举行世纪之交的大型学术会议—— 2 0 0 0年学术会议。这次学术会议的主题是“
根据中国化学会第 2 5届理事会第一次常务理事会决定 ,中国化学会将于今年 1 1月上、中旬在北京举行世纪之交的大型学术会议—— 2 0 0 0年学术会议。这次学术会议的主题是“跨世纪的化学”。通过这次会议回顾二十世纪化学科学所取得的成就 ,展望二十一世纪化学的发展 ,并交流
According to the decision of the first executive council of the 25th council of the Chinese Chemical Society, the Chinese Chemical Society will hold a large-scale academic conference at the turn of the century - the year 2000 academic conference in January and mid-January this year in Beijing. The theme of this symposium is “Chemistry of the New Century.” Through this meeting, we will review the achievements of chemistry in the 20th century, look forward to the development of chemistry in the 21st century and exchange ideas
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In this study, the structure of nanocrystalline CaCO-3 was analyzed using TEM, SEM, FT IR and XRD measurements. An unusually narrow %v%-3 band with remarkable
Influence of Polarizability and Covalency on ~(151)Eu Mossbauer Isomer Shifts
Influence of Polarizability and Covalency on ~ (151) Eu Mossbauer Isomer
患者,女,24岁,1996年3月25日晚收住足月临产妇.体检:BP15/9kPa、P80次/min、R20次/min、T 36.6 C.孕期定期检查无异常,无服药和过敏史.HBSAg(-),其它各项检查正常.因出现腹
Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spec-troscopy were used to study the surface acid-base property of carboxylic acid-terminated self-assembled m
A study on point defects in lead tungstate (PbWO4) by using positron annihilation lifetime method is presented. The measurement was carried out for the cases of