要说交通的便利,位于世界最前列的应数美国了。美国的高速公路交通是世界上最发达且里程最长的。我根据简略的美国地图数了一下,仅通过洛杉矾境内的高速公路就有23条,在洛杉机市内还有数不清的公路干线、支线,好似大小动脉与毛细血管遍布人体,四通八达,蔚为壮观。 在美国,差不多每一个前来定居的中国人都必定要学会开车乃至买车,即便是前来留学的穷学生,冷不防也会进入有车者行列。因为在美国不会开车就像不会走
To mention the convenience of transportation, the United States should be at the forefront of the world. US highway traffic is the most developed and the longest mileage in the world. I counted a few on a map of the United States. There were 23 expressways in Los Angeles alone. There were countless highways and extensions in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Like arterial and capillaries all over the body, , Magnificent. Almost every Chinese who comes to settle in the United States must learn to drive or even buy a car. Even poor students who come to study in the United States will get in the car after all. Because in the United States will not drive like it will not go